
Showing posts from February, 2018
                                  Wondering how you can support My journey I am willing to take the opportunity to attend the Ms Wheelchair American Nationals this Summer in Michigan. Without Your Support this will not be possible.

My visit at Abraham Joshua Heschel School

Hello Everyone! It is great to have you all aboard has I carry out my Ms Wheelchair NY 2018 Platform to bring self advocacy into schools and create an inclusive environment within schools. Last week  I had the honor to speak at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School to over 75 general education 5th grade students about the life of a person with a disability, self advocacy and inclusive . Those students may have never seen or interacted with a person a disability before. Honestly it was my first appearance speaking to a population without disabilities The history beyond the idea of the school having me is that as part of their school they have a social justice curriculum because of the history  Abraham Joshua Heschel  carried on to make a difference.He was a civil rights leader is was good friends with Dr Martin Luther King Jr and was very passionate about social justice. The students knew   Abraham Joshua Heschel was famous but the school decided they wanted...