My visit at Abraham Joshua Heschel School

Hello Everyone!

It is great to have you all aboard has I carry out my Ms Wheelchair NY 2018 Platform to bring self advocacy into schools and create an inclusive environment within schools.

Last week  I had the honor to speak at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School to over 75 general education 5th grade students about the life of a person with a disability, self advocacy and inclusive . Those students may have never seen or interacted with a person a disability before. Honestly it was my first appearance speaking to a population without disabilities

The history beyond the idea of the school having me is that as part of their school they have a social justice curriculum because of the history  Abraham Joshua Heschel  carried on to make a difference.He was a civil rights leader is was good friends with Dr Martin Luther King Jr and was very passionate about social justice.

The students knew   Abraham Joshua Heschel was famous but the school decided they wanted to go beyond with having the students know more about different aspects of social justice such as homelessness, disability etc.

Within my speech I shared about myself, my disability, experience in school having a  disability. I also spoke about the importance of inclusion, the correct language to use  to speak to or about a person with a disability.. Truly putting forward the use of People First Language to educate others.

I was impressed with the response of the students towards my story and my work. You could tell that they were listening!

I felt like a teacher writing me speech and editing it to make sure it was geared to 5th grade students. Got a little experience in the field of education as well. Truly made me think.

They asked me some really thoughtful and compassionate questions like
 what is my disability, why were you separated from your peers? that situation really stood out to them, was I ever bullied by anyone? why did not my peers get to know me? It seemed to really stand out to them that I was so separated from my general education peers. 

I taught the students  and they taught me something too.  They taught me that if you are teach the youth young an inclusive environment will not be a surprise any more.

The students thanked me for teaching me that #peoplewithdisabilitieshaveabilities #therightwaytospeaktoapersonwithadisability #sharingmystory
Which hit my heart in so many ways. Thank you

Most I honestly thank the staff and students at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School for opening their doors to awareness. I appreciate you all having me.

Again I if anyone will like me to come and speak at your school to allow me to carry out my platform to your students and how we can develop an inclusive environment if that is already not in progress.

                                      Photo: ME and Some of the 5th grade students


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