The lack of accessibility for students with disabilities in schools
Recently I been looking at news media articles discussing the lack of accessibility in nyc public schools.. This also means the ability to fully access the school building. When I was going to school in NYC public schools I always had it in my mind that all public schools were wheelchair accessible weather the location is on the side of the building. At that time I thought that was okay. We struggle to be included and fit in with our peers.. be apart of the school community even if it's just simply being able to attend a school trip with their classmates. Yet students with disabilities being shut out of schools.
Not only students with disabilities are being shut out of schools due to the lack of accessibility.. Parents have less options on were their child can attend school and it unfortunately the same for potential and actual employees with disabilities within the NYC public schools especially for those who are wheelchair users.
I can truly speak for myself. For these past few years weather its volunteering or a paid position as been held in school settings classrooms etc.
It is my desire and dream to work with children and youth being in spaces like this brings me so much happiness and the kids find me with so much joy and purpose.
I truly never talked about it until now as I am writing this. I because I truly never seen things in the perception I do now 5 years after graduating high school far beyond that student view.
They are some school sites I just can't be placed at because it's just not accessible all stairs.. which limits how close i can be and far I can go location wise.
The sites that I volunteer or work from as accessible enters here is how.. On the side or back of the school building
In the morning headed to work or volunteer I had to always make I get there in time while the door is open to let the students in but when it close I got to hope i see someone outside to tell them to tell the security that I need to access the building.. Sometimes that takes a while that makes me late..
At my other school site I got to call my site supervisor to inform him that I am outside and he will have to come out to allow me in the building. It should never be this way.
Public community events are held in schools. It creates barriers towards community involvement. I visit schools for appearances and always I have to question is your school accessible with both a ramp and elevator
What truly gets me is schools are polling sites? On that day portable ADA ramps are installed the day before in front of the school enter access point. If its the ADA Law to have it placed on election day why can not it be placed their everyday by the school management works.
Enough is Enough for years. I heard this the elevator is out of service and could not make it to class. So unfair.. for many reasons that is why students with disabilities. Imagine myself working in a school having to tell my kids I can't teach them because I am unable to get upstairs to my classroom because of elevator issues or I have to have my classroom on the first floor because of that reason.
I will never separate my students for the system lack of accessibility.
I teach them the importance of inclusion, diversity and being an ally..
Lets talk about this
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